Danish Water Forum

Aarhus, Denmark

Our National Member, the Danish Water Forum invites you to their annual water research conference, where the latest research and technology is presented.

Our focus in 2025 is the EU Blue Deal.

KEYNOTE: EU Blue Deal; How to influence the EU policies on water?

It is a common belief that national legislation is the main driver for the water sector in Europe, but we seem to forget that some of the larger decisions are taken in  EU. The EU Blue Deal was a call launched in 2023, requesting that water be put on the top of the agenda for all EU policies, since water is a key driver and also a key factor for development. The Conference Plenum will focus on the status and where EU is expected to add more attention to the water issues.

Dedicated afternoon sessions:

• Living water labs

• EIT Water, Marine & Maritime Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC)

• Advanced wastewater treatment

• Biofilm

• Resource harvesting from water sources

• Groundwater management

• Reverse osmosis

• Urban water

As in 2024 Danish Water Forum has joined forces with Water Valley Denmark to strengthen collaboration across the water sector and we hope that our approach will provide a fantastic conference.


You can register on the official website.

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D-53773 Hennef

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