The MonGOS Winter School

The MonGOS Winter School was organised on 22-26 November 2021 in Krakow (Poland) by the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In the MonGOS Winter School, 25 PhD candidates and Master students interested in the circular economy (CE), sustainable development, environmental management and took part. The content of the MonGOS Winter School was designed to include the newest policy approach – the European Green Deal, and its integral part – the circular economy. The main topic of this Winter School was the transformation towards the CE with the focus on recovering raw materials, water and energy from waste generated in municipal waste water treatment plants (WWTPs), as well as building industrial symbiosis in the region and creating a positive image of the company among various stakeholder groups.

During 5-days, lecturers and trainers presented issues related to CE, recovery of raw materials (as phosphorus), water and energy in the WWTPs, as well as social, economic and environmental aspects of the CE implementation in WWTPs. The Winter School included interactive lectures, workshops, quizzes, social activities, and consultations with industry experts. Students also took part in a study visit at the Cracow-Plaszów Wastewater Treatment Plant - one of the largest WWTP in Poland. Then, the students were divided into 5 groups (with 5 participants) to create a concept of the "Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Future in the Circular Economy". All participants received a certificate confirming the acquisition of key skills in the area of innovative and circular activities in the water and waste water sector. This event offered participants an unique opportunity to acquaint to various elements of the circular economy implementation in the water and waste water sector.

The Winter School was organised as the part of the project MonGOS - Monitoring of water and sewage management in the context of the implementation of the circular economy assumptions“ that is realised in 2020-2022 thanks to support the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the International Academic Partnerships Programme (

The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences is the organiser of various events that support the implementation of the CE in water and waste water sector.

Find out more by watching this video