
Become part of the network!

EWA’s members reflect the professional and European geographic diversity of the Association. EWA consists of 24 European leading professional organisations in their respective countries, each representing professionals and technicians for wastewater and water utilities, academics, consultants and contractors as well as a growing number of corporate member firms and enterprises. EWA thus represents about 50,000 professional individuals working in the broad field of water and environmental management.

Joining EWA is easy. Simply check the category of membership below, download the membership flyer and fill out the application. You can send it to us per email and we will get back to you as soon as possible with the next steps. 


Membership Flyer 2024

Membership Application Form

Research Membership Flyer

National Members

Our National Associations are also non-profit making associations and appoint a delegate to the EWA council.

Corporate Members

The EWA has corporate members that span the breadth of water science and practice. EWA corporate members include utilities, research organisations, consultants, industry, equipment manufacturers and regulators. Additional information can be taken from the EWA Membership brochure.

Partner Members (Sponsor)

Sponsor members enjoy a number of benefits more than our partner members (category below).

Research Members

The EWA invites research institutions to join the organisation as a Research Member. By being a member, you, as an institution are given a platform for research and innovation in the water sector. You will have access to information from Brussels and Strassbourg; you expand your network with the help of the EWA! Knowledge transfer will enhance all stakeholders in the water cycle.

The relationship with EWA’s scientific basis has always been strong. The EWA working groups and scientific committees connect science with technology. But we would like to strengthen this relationship by giving the researchers a voice within the organisation to show their scientific research and transfer their findings and apply the outcomes of the research to the European water sector.

Research Membership of the EWA is open to any non-profit making research unit, such as university, research institution, department, laboratory, or any another appropriate unit, in the field of water.

Value of a Research Membership