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Here you can read about and download the Water Manifesto from the Water Alliance:
The Water Alliance consists of the organisations Aqua Europa, WssTP, EWP, EurEau, EurAqua, netwercH2O, Acquea and EWA
The key European water-related umbrella organisations are jointly asking the Juncker Commission to prioritise water during the next 5 years due to its importance for EU’s economy, environment, and quality of life of the European citizens. These organisations increased their collaboration and coordination in the form of a European Water Alliance, with the objective of achieving a more coherent and thus more effective representation and visibility for water at the European Union level.
In January 2015, the EU Water Alliance wrote letters to EU officials to address the importance of water within the context of the new EC agenda:
Commissioner Carlos Moedas for Research, Science and Innovation
Commissioner Karmenu Vella for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Commissioner Phil Hogan for Agriculture and Rural Development
Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Commissioner Corina Cretu for Regional Policy
Commissioner Arias Cañete for Climate Action & Energy
Commissioner Günther Oettinger for Digital Economy and Society
Commissioner Neven Mimica for International Cooperation & Development
Commissioner Violeta Bulc for Transport
Commissioner Christos Stylianides for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management
EWA with its ETSC and the EPC has a strong technical and EU-policy-oriented structure that ensures that the Association is able to deliver high quality, timely output on a wide range of environmental issues.
The committee follows the work of the European Commission and arranges regular meetings with officials in the Commission, responsible for activities of relevance to water management. The committee gives comments and advice...
Comments of the EWA to the EC on the issues Sewage Sludge, Bathing Water, REACH, Sustainable Flood Management, Climate Change and Biowaste.