96th Annual ASTEE Congress: Regions and the EU, working together to foster environmental transition

Date 06.06.2017 - 09.06.2017
Location Liége, Belgium

Nowadays EU policies heavily influence regional management, investment and development projects, particularly those dealing with water, environment and waste management.

In order to prepare for the upcoming cycles in the fields of water and waste, it is essential to take stock of the progress accomplished through EU directives as well as the difficulties in implementing them, by comparing case studies and feedback from different regions and member states. In the current European and global contexts of ongoing humanitarian and financial crises, what can we do so that the European Union will protect us, give us collective strength, help us improve our way of life, and no longer be considered solely as a series of constraints or obstacles? What strategic vision can be developed? How can the European impetus be used to act in our regions? What paradigm shifts can be brought about?

If you have any questions, please contact:

liege2017 (at) astee.org

or go to the conference website here.

For more information, please find the updated programme.

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